Real-Time Spectrum Analysis for Satellite Communications

| Information and Communication Technology

Real-time spectrum analysis (RTSA) monitors satellite signals and interference

Spectrum analyser supports wide bandwidth analysis up to 2 GHz, reducing analysis time and improving probability of intercept

Keysight Technologies has released a real-time spectrum analysis (RTSA) tool enabling up to 2 GHz RTSA bandwidth for use with the Keysight N9042B UXA Signal Analyser. The software-based RTSA monitors satellite signals and interference, allowing satellite network operators to provide the highest quality of service (QoS) to users.

As the satellite communications (SATCOM) industry moves to high-throughput satellites, satellite network operators are experiencing increased satellite signals and interference. Signal interference has been further complicated for operators with the auction of traditional SATCOM frequency bands to terrestrial wireless operators. To ensure high QoS, operators need to perform rigorous and accurate signal interference monitoring in real-time to identify anomalies and mitigate service degradation.

Keysight’s RTSA addresses this challenge by enabling the N9042B UXA Signal Analyser to conduct continuous, gapless capture and analysis of elusive and transient signals with optical data interface (ODI) streaming up to 2 GHz.

The RTSA application software offers reduced analysis time and support for Wide Bandwidth Analysis.

Based on Keysight’s design and emulation expertise, the RTSA can accelerate innovation using digital twins that speed design and testing of satellite payloads, lower prototyping costs, and speed time-to-market.

Additionally, the RTSA is designed to run on the N9042B UXA Signal Analyser, an established signal analyser / spectrum analyser that tests millimeter-wave performance in 5G, satellite and radar. When combined with the V3050A Frequency Extender for unbanded frequency coverage to 110 GHz, the U9361 RCal Receiver Calibrator, the M9484B VXG Signal Generator and the powerful PathWave X-Series and PathWave Vector Signal Analysis measurement applications, the N9042B UXA analyser provides real-time spectrum analysis bandwidth to 2 GHz and streaming bandwidth to 2 GHz for satellite communication systems.

Greg Patschke, General Manager of Keysight’s Aerospace / Defence and Government Solutions Unit, said: “With the introduction of our 2 GHz real-time spectrum analysis product, Keysight is enabling innovators to push the boundaries for system performance in the satellite communication industry. By working with a partner like Keysight that can contribute both system-level modeling software and radio link emulation, satellite network operators can use digital twins to reduce risk and cost while accelerating system development.”

Jonathan Newell
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