UAS Proving Ground

| Aerospace Testing

Drone developers now have access to a dedicated proving ground in North America

Drone developer has opened a new facility dedicated to small unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in Orange, USA.

The site will be used as a proving ground for MITRE’s technologists and US government sponsors to develop, test and evaluate the newest technological advances for commercial robotics, autonomous systems, drones and counter-drone systems.

“We take great pride in being a trusted partner for agencies in helping them select and evaluate the right UAS and C-UAS tools for their unique needs,” said Yosry Barsoum, MITRE vice president and director, Center for Securing the Homeland. “This new testing range will enable agencies and industry to work hand in hand to build safer communities.”

At the recent opening ceremony for the range, Jeffrey Vincent of the Federal Aviation Authority’s UAS Integration Office said, “The Drone Range will provide a tremendous opportunity for valuable collaboration amongst government, industry and academic researchers benefitting the drone community at large.”

MITRE has partnered in the past with police, firefighters and security and public safety organisations to enable drone technology specifically tailored for the situations first responders encounter most frequently. This includes recent work with the New York Police Department to transform hazardous materials response units.

Both the Army and Navy are implementing smartphone app-controlled counter-drone technology, equipping users with the means to swiftly report and thwart aerial threats. Such applications, as well as emerging drone technology such as the use of wide-area 5G cellular network architectures enabling drone operation operate beyond visual line of sight, will be tested at the range.

Jonathan Newell
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